Neurosciences Research team shines again at the American Epilepsy Society Annual Meeting
Cook Children's Neurosciences Research Center, led by Professor Christos Papadelis, Ph.D., was well-represented again this year at the annual meeting of the American Epilepsy Society (AES). AES is the largest community of professionals in the country aiming to improve the outcomes of people suffering from epilepsy. The meeting took place in Orlando, Florida, during the first week of December 2023.
The team received two prestigious awards, had two invited talks in the Annual Course and Pediatric Highlights sessions of the conference and presented more than 10 posters as a leading research institution.
Lorenzo Fabbri, a third-year Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Arlington received the 2023 Grass Foundation Young Investigator Award of the AES for his work entitled, “Pathological and Physiological Scalp High-Frequency Oscillations in Children with Drug-Resistant Epilepsy and Healthy Controls.” This award recognizes and honors eight (out of 1,300 applicants) outstanding young investigators conducting research in basic or clinical neuroscience related to epilepsy.
Sakar Rijal, a fourth-year Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Arlington received the 2023 Young Investigator Award of the AES for his work entitled, “Visually Evoked and Induced High Frequency Oscillations in Children with Epilepsy and Healthy Controls.” This award recognizes 20 (out of 1,300 applicants) young investigators conducting basic, translational or clinical epilepsy research.
Saeed Jahromi, a fourth year Ph.D. student at the University of Texas at Arlington was selected to present his work at the Pediatric Highlights session of the conference entitled, "Overlap of Spike and Ripple Propagation Onset Predicts Surgical Outcome in Drug-Resistant Epilepsy.” The talks selected for the Pediatric Highlights session represent the most significant research studies in the field of pediatric epilepsy submitted to the conference.
Finally, Dr. Papadelis was invited to present an overview of his work on the presurgical evaluation of children with drug-resistant epilepsy during the annual course of the society.